China Rexroth aa10vso Hydraulic Pump
  • Address4608-97th Street, Edmonton, Alberta T6E 5N9, Canada
  • Factory Address4608-97th Street, Edmonton, Alberta T6E 5N9, Canada
  • Worktime9:00 — 18:00
  • Phone(Working Time)49-2104-13138
  • Phone(Nonworking Time)44-1543-445035
  • Fax183-694-98913

Yuken Ar 16 Hydraulic Pump

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AR 16 / AR 22 - YUKEN ČR s.r.oAR 16 / AR 22. Yuken offers low noise/high efficiency, swash plate type variable displacement piston pumps. These pumpshave been developed by Yuken's Yuken piston pumps A series, AR series, A3H series, ARL1ARL1-16. Yuken ARL1 Compact Piston Pumps. Yuken AR series Variable Displacement Piston Pumps. Single Pump, Pressure Compensator Type. A compact 
Series Variable Displacement Piston PumpsIn case AR16 and AR22 pump, a screw-in torque of fitting  10 mm. (.39 in.) "AR" Series Variable Displacement Piston Pumps. 16  Consult Yuken for detailsAR Series Variable Displacement Piston Pumps16. AR16. AR22. M. O. 18. AR Series. Variable Displacement. Piston Pumps. Pump Type. Graphic Symbol. Page. MPa. Geometric Displacement cm3/revpiston pumps - Yuken“AR” Series Variable Displacement Piston Pumps  below, the AR16 is smaller than the A16(32 design). Also, the mass of AR16 is substantially lighter thanAR16 & AR22 - Yuken (Europe)"AR" Series Variable Displacement Piston Pumps. Single Pump, Pressure Compensator Type. 20. Typical Pump Characteristics of Type "AR16" at Viscosity 20 

